2014 HS Senior Rep Program!

Class of 2014 High School Seniors are wanted from the following schools

Bear River High School
Ben Lomond High School
Bonneville High School
Box Elder High School
Clearfield High School
Fremont High School
Layton High School
Ogden High School
Roy High School
Syracuse High School
Weber High School

What does being a senior rep mean for you?

It means you are a spokesmodel for Brindi Lynn Photography. All you have to do is show your friends your awesome photos! No really that all! I will provide you with rep cards to hand out to your friends, and photos to share online.

OK I know what you’re thinking how much the session is going to cost.

Not a thing! Yup $0.00 that’s a $90 value!!
You will also get.
50 referral cards
5 watermarked Facebook size photos
A custom Facebook time line photo
A mini accordion book to show off in person to your friends

What are you required to do?

You and your Parent/Guardian need to sign a model release (allows me to use your photos in promotions)
Keep one of the 5 watermarked photos as your Facebook profile picture until graduation.
Hand out rep cards to friends and family. 

What do you get?

For every referral you get an 8x10, Two 5x7, or 8 Wallets
·         5 referrals – $10 Gift card to iTunes or Starbucks (or other coffee shop)
·         10 referrals – $25 Gift card to a movie theater of your choice
·         15 referrals – $50 Gift card to your favorite restaurant
·         20 referrals - $100 Gift card to your favorite clothing store
To earn your credit, your friend must let us know you referred them at time of booking. And they must follow through with session. Your friends will enjoy $25 off their session and a $10 print credit.

Let’s slow down for a minute!

Before you go all in you MUST have your parents or legal guardian’s permission!  Once the application is filled out, sent in and you are selected as one of the senior reps, I will take you and one of your parents out for ice cream so we can go over all of the perks, what’s expected from you, and sign the model release (so your photos can be used on my site promotions and other fun things.)

Time to Apply!

Email the answers to the following questionnaire to brindilynn@gmail.com

Your Information
Parent/Guardian Information
All About You!
What High School do you attend?
What is your GPA?
Why do you want to be senior Rep?
Tell me about yourself!
What activities, clubs or sports are you involved with?
What would your dream senior
session include?

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